Pat-A-Cake is one of the few childcare centers in the area that offers three programs. Your child can attend for 12 months, 10 months, or summer only, Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:30pm. Children can start attending any time of year.

Below are some additional details. To learn more, please call 203-531-6550 and ask to speak with Co-founder/Director Dorothy Heneghan.


The majority of our students attend Pat-A-Cake year round. Not surprisingly, the school becomes almost like a second home to them. Also not surprising, the consistency of a 12-month program is very beneficial for them.


This program comprises our academic year and runs from September through June. Because some of our families travel during the summer, their children don’t attend Pat-A-Cake year round. To guarantee enrollment the following year, these parents are asked to pay a nominal “holding fee” for the weeks their child doesn’t attend Pat-A-Cake.


Summer encompasses July and August and is an especially wonderful time at Pat-A-Cake. Many terrific outings and special activities are planned. We’re one of the few pre-schools in the area with our own large, well-equipped outdoor playground. In the summer it resembles a water park where the children – who we make sure are well-covered with sunscreen – play in sprinklers and enjoy other types of water activities. Some children also play basketball and soccer, and some ride tricycles or scooters, all of which we provide. And because Pat-A-Cake is just a few short blocks from Byram Beach, our preschoolers relish taking walks there to enjoy the sand and shallow water for fun-in-the-sun summer field trips.

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