Pat-A-Cake’s early childhood education program emphasizes teaching the “whole child.” We strive to meet each child’s individual needs, to evaluate his or her particular stage of development, and teach accordingly.
As a Christian childcare center, we believe in the uniqueness of every child God has created. We use encouragement and praise to build on strengths, notice what is right, and work to create a sense of self-worth and significance for each child. We embrace children of every cultural background and welcome children of all faiths.
We engage children in various age appropriate and stimulating activities. Such activities help develop a range of social, emotional, physical, cognitive, creative, and verbal skills. We believe learning is more meaningful when it can be directly related to a child’s environment, daily activities, and experiences. Through “hands on” play experience children can readily benefit from this approach.
To this end, creative, resourceful, and flexible planning are key—then honest evaluation and reflection. By cherishing and nurturing each child’s ability to experience wonder, we lay the foundation for their inner spirituality. This also helps foster their emotional growth, their feeling of connectedness to the world, and encourages each child’s desire to learn more.
We read from the Children’s Bible and encourage children to share, take turns and show kindness to each other. We also teach them to appreciate the beauty of nature by frequently taking the children outdoors. Teachers communicate God’s message of love, thankfulness, compassion and empathy by modeling these virtues.